Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I have my own room... and a bed- and a bathroom- I got a bubble bath! Confused? Me too- where is Dundalk? Actually just an hour outside of Belfast. I did kiss the blarney stone so you'd think I'd be more eloquent then this! Time to backtrack... So I went to Cork on Monday, it was wonderful, beautiful city. I got off the train and was walking towards the city center and literally a block from the station- there's the Bru Bar and Hostel (Yes I slept in a bar... this is actually the second time I've done that!) The staff was awesome though, told me how to get to Blarney and gave me a discount on the room:) I then went out and explored a bit, eventually hoping on the bus to Blarney and now according to discovery channel I am one step closer to being able to die- it was wild, the guy just dangles you off the edge of the castle- Blarney is beautiful though- unfortunately I forgot to charge the camera so the memories are for me only I ran into this woman named Michelle who was from Massachussettes, and we ended up talking and wandering around the castle grounds together- she gave me an Irish travel blessing card- I love the human interaction I'm having on this trip!

Now for today...

I got up to check out today and ran into this boy I had briefly spoken to last night, and needless to say I decided I didn't like him- he came across pretty arogant, and made fun of my Jesus sweatshirt. Oddly enough he mentioned that this morning- and also decided he wanted to go to Cobh with me(the last calling place for the Titanic) and so, I adopted an Agnostic, British traveling buddy named George. We hopped the train to Cobh, accidentally got of at Fota, which resulted in finding an awesome wildlife park with free range kangaroos!! Continued on to Cobh, which was wonderful- I love being by the sea. It was strange though- he definitely asked about my faith a lot- I felt so wishy washy today though... where did my boldness go? Speaking of bold- definitely hitchhiked today- no worries I'm not a complete idiot- I'd never do that alone, but since we got off at the fota my pal George opted to introduce me to the finer points of hitching a ride... wow.

And back to that wonderful bed- I was hoping to head to Galway today, however my train from Cork was delayed and I couldn't catch the last Galway train, instead I ended up heading to Connely station to head to Belfast, and met a wonderful women named Paula, we talked and enjoyed the sea we were zooming by- I love train rides during sunset I might add... anyhow long story short she invited me to her house in Dundalk, which is less than an hour by train from Belfast, so God completely blessed my socks off yet again, this time with lodging and food... did I mention- wow?

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