Friday, October 28, 2011

A boring, getting "business" done entry...

I keep returning here, planning on posting a better summary of my upcoming trip to Eastern Europe- with necessary links etc, then I get sidetracked... launching into some sort of dialogue on a thought process, by the time I near the end I feel like links to a ministry sight would detract from the quality of the post and so I refrain... This time I'll stick with the boring stuff. Finally back in my element, the waiting room season of post Guatemala has ended- exciting things are on the horizon, and working themselves out in ways that can only be explained as "God things" December 26th I'll be departing for Romania where I will be working with H2H- a ministry that teams up with several orphanages in the Bucharest area. This holiday trip is designed to bring Christmas/the holidays to children who otherwise wouldn't experience it. We'll be delivering gifts, putting on a program, cuddling babies, playing with kids... things that may not seem of particular importance- but as I say over and over, we cant expect people to comprehend a God who loves them enough to die for them if they never experience a simple tangible form of love on earth... its a starting point :o) From there, I'll move on to Moldova- fine details for that are still being worked through with a few ministries I'll be partnering with there, but I'll be spending time at an orphanage as well as a transition house for girls rescued from human trafficking. How you can help? A lot of people doing a little really does add up... First and foremost prayer is a huge priority... Particularly being the age I am and traveling on my own again I cant even begin to tell you the immense appreciation I have for those of you standing behind me and supporting me in that way- I know I'm not really alone :o) I'll do my best to keep things such as this blog and my facebook "Fan Page" up to date, however if you'd like to receive personal updates, whether via snail mail or email, dont hesitate to ask! Contact me with addresses/email addresses and its done :o) Then there's the not so fun aspect... Obviously a trip like this doesn't come without expenses. If you feel led to partner with me in this area there are several options. The link on this blog that says donate will take you to my ministry Paypal account- any contributions made there will help cover expenses for the time spent in Romania and Moldova. If you'd prefer the funds to be designated specifically towards Romania (and need a tax receipt) that link will take you there- designate "Kristin Joy Svendsen-Holiday Trip" in the memo line to ensure it goes towards my account. Prefer the old fashioned way? Checks can be sent to 2369 Montana Ave E. Maplewood MN 55119. If you have questions, or just want to get together in person- dont hesitate to contact me!!
Current Prayer Needs
An increasing of compassion
That God would use me to radiate His love to the children/women I seek to serve in Romania and Moldova
That I could be an encouragement to the missionaries I'll be partnering with
The children I'll be working with- that their needs, physical, spritual, and emotional will be met
Funding... I've got until December 1 which is rapidly approaching for this all to come together
Travel details... The flight will be arranged but I'll be taking a train from Romania to Moldova... a bit intimidating!!
Increasing sensitivity to where the Lord is leading
That God's love will shine through me- regardless of where I am :o)


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