Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I've lately grown a bit dependent on the GPS application in my phone... from time to time I use it, even when I don't necessarily need to just to be absolutely positive that I really know where I'm going. Today that handy feature taught me an interesting lesson- I set out to meet up with an old friend, in an area I knew relatively well, but as it'd been a few years since I'd frequented it I defaulted to GPS directions, about halfway there silly phone decided that it would be a good idea to fall out of its usual residing place of the cup holder and land somewhere underneath the seat as much as I love posing a threat to the rest of the world by searching my car for something and driving simultaneously I opted instead to turn off the music in my car, and instead focus on the quiet instructions the navigation feature was giving me. This was a bit of a challenge as at first I tried listening to the music quietly while listening for the directions to interrupt... I quickly realized this wouldn't work, had to shut it off, and even turn the heat off because the fan blowing still masked the muffled sound. It was after I exited the interstate and got away from that business that what GPS was telling me to do became more clear... Once I arrived at my destination I had a bit of time to ponder this silly abstract lesson before my friend got there... I love the silly little things that the Lord can use to work at your heart a bit. We are always busy, even when we aren't we tend to make ourselves... we constantly fill our lives with noise and distraction- sometimes if we really truly want to hear the directions being laid out for us, even though they are being made painstakingly clear, we have to lay aside the noise, the distractions... turn off the music, turn off the flashy light show, and just listen. God will get you where He wants you... Fact: He's probably already telling you. Are you taking the time to listen?

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