Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Joshua and Caleb
Prior to my departure from Tennessee I'd had a listening prayer session where the people praying over me kept going back to the fact that they sensed I had a "Joshua like spirit" and was bold in my faith, and prayed for an increase of this... Recently this has been resurfacing on my heart a lot so I decided to dig into what exactly this means, which led me to Numbers 13 and 14 when the spies were sent into Canaan... We all know the story of Moses leading the people out Egypt, and then Joshua leading the people as they marched around the walls of Jericho- but what about what happened in between? The Lord had instructed Moses to send men to spy out the land of Canaan, which he was giving to the people of Israel, of the 12 men sent out 10 came back with bad reports- igniting fear in the hearts of the Israelites... though the Lord had promised them the land the Israelites wanted to run back to Egypt... Caleb and Joshua however insisted that it could be done- not because of their strength, but because of the favor the Lord had in them... without the protection of God no victory can be ours. Because they did not trust in God, and refused to obey his voice- none of the men who saw His glory and signs in Egypt and the Israelites would be able to see the promised land "But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed me fully, I will bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it." Numbers 14:24 Of the men that were sent out to spy on the land, only Joshua and Caleb remained alive- the rest died by plague before the Lord... because they feared for THEIR lives and THEIR plans they lost them... Ironic? I love verse 24... because Caleb had a different Spirit and followed me fully... Its one thing to believe in God- Those ten spies believed in God- the problem? They didn't believe that He was who He says He is, they didn't trust Him to fulfill His promises, they chose to guard their lives and their comfort rather than passionately pursuing His will and His plans, they weren't willing to follow Him fully. Is it really enough to believe in God? Or dare I say, even believe in His son? Or are we perhaps, called to a deeper more reckless faith... Perhaps we aren't just called to believe, but also to "Follow me fully." As I think about it, the idea of a Joshua like spirit intimidates me A lot... Am I willing to go against the grain? Joshua and Caleb were willing to have an opinion that was different than an entire nation... I'm willing to bet they were pretty ostracized, pretty lonely... To be perfectly honest, doesn't sound very appealing to me. The beauty of it? In their strong willed obedience, their willingness to obey and follow God COMPLETELY regardless of the costs, they were the only ones who received the blessing of seeing the fulfillment of God's promise... Its worth the cost- are we willing to put up the fight? What is your promised land? How is God calling you to follow Him fully today? Are you one of the ten or one of the two? Are you willing to take a chance, even if it might mean losing the life you think you love?
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