Things have been hard, but good. I'm exhausted- the little ones are up around 530 am, I'm with them until 10, then during weekdays head up to help with the Dvorak boys, done with that around 4, and then it's back to the little boys until bed time. No such thing as real breaks there. Especially now, a new baby arrived, and between the infant and the two month old I rarely have a free left arm, and often times one of the toddlers is trying to occupy my right arm simultaneously. I have an abundance of adorable kid stories, most of which have made for fun facebook status'.
Sundays in and of themselves are interesting, the boys typically watch with fascination as I apply make-up, and this last week were intrigued by my skirt... this often results in the best compliments ever- I apparently look like a princess :o) I'm wishing more than ever I spoke spanish, I love the style of the church and the way they encourage unhindered worship, but the message is challenging because I dont actually understand a word of it... with worship it's easy to not care about understanding, but when it comes to trying to learn something it can get frustrating. This past sunday I was blessed to get some time with my girls who I worked with the last time I was here- one of the girls, Erika, had her birthday on Saturday, and God totally used it to provide some much needed companionship, I finally had the chance to talk to the new house mom, and have been so blessed to get to know her and actually have fellowship :o)
Tomorrow will be my first day homeschooling the boys solo(typically I work one on one with one of them, and then teach music, art, or drama to all of them in the later afternoon)... we shall see what becomes of that!
That's probably the hardest thing about being here, the solitude... which is funny because I'm never alone, and yet in some ways I'm more secluded than I've ever been in my life... I need to be refreshed- praying for a break soon!
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